Fire Department
507 F Avenue
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Meeting night – 1st & 3rd Monday in June, July and August; rest of the year they meet only the 3rd Monday
Fire Chief – Nathan Kappel
31 volunteers
Police Department
703 F Ave, Suite 2
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Administration: 319-825-6118
Weekend and After hours: 319-824-6933
Fax: 319-825-3751
Police Chief: James Natvig
Officers: Brandon Bunkers, Jacob Oberle, Cassandra Jakoubek
You can also contact the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office at 319-824-6933. They are open 24-hours-a-day, everyday.

Ambulance Services
507 F Avenue
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Meetings – 1st Monday of every month
EMS Director – Dwight Gliem
Paramedics – Kenneth Abbas, Bradley Schmidt, Brooke Bagenstos